We developed a mobile app to improve the mental well-being of the students at Erasmus University. ROOM: a library of exercises to help students navigate challenges during their university experience.


Client: Erasmus University Rotterdam
Role: Ux research and design, content design

Build a personalized toolbox. Collect the exercises that work for you and keep them in your room.

Complete up to18 self-assessments to understand yourself better and monitor how you are feeling.

Explore between 32 science based exercises to learn how to regulate your emotions

Learn ways to practice and apply what you learn, without needing to use the phone.

The solution

Students at Erasmus University were stressed, depressed and burnt out and Erasmus Univeristy wanted to implement a student wellbeing program which included and mobile tool for mental health.

The context

"In general, I feel less anxious, stressed, and helpless during my days and with my decisions. I think this due to my practising some exercises daily, others when I remind myself of them, actively seek them out in the app"

Our users say:

“I think it had a value in that stepping back, looking at your day, reflect on how I felt, and then that brings the sense of gratefulness with it - yeah, that was valuable to me”

Role: UX researcher, UX design and content design. Conducting research through interviews, focus groups, surveys, Field tests and co-design sessions. Analyzed and presented qualitative and quantitative data to guide design efforts. I designed interactions, prototyped, wireframes, designed content and tested existing designs for experience and effectiveness.

This was a typical, iterative human-centered-design process.

  • Began with formative research on various stakeholder

  • I triangulated insights of that research into several artefacts like personas, requirements and content maps to guide the process

  • Then designs of different levels of fidelity were created, tested and refined until we had a fully functioning beta.

  • ROOM is currently being scientifically tested, but it has already been proven to improve momentary mood and emotion regulation skills in its users.

The process from 0-1

One thematic analysis board.

Interactive prototype made for user research

First sketch of the ROOM home screen

Figma prototypes