I rebranded SuperDataScience and led the design process of
its new web-based platform.


Company: SuperDataScience
Role: Product designer, branding designer, and illustrator

The result

SuperDataScience is a data science eLearning platform and community born in Udemy. When I joined we identified various opportunities for improvement: the brand was not conveying the right message, the website was difficult to navigate and there was a lot of technical debt. For all this, we decided to re-platform, redesign the UX, and upgrade the brand to better reflect its values.

The context

Leaner navigation of the content. Optimized for exploration.

A gamified tracking central to visualize progress and enhance motivation.

Optimized course library - tailored to user interest and enhanced with new illustrations.

Improved branding - typefaces, color schemes, and visual elements.

Role: In the platform project, I led the design and development team through the discovery and definition process. In the re-branding project, I led the branding audit, created the logo, color palette, and illustrations, and collaborated with the UI designer to build the visual design of the platform.

The re-design of the platform followed a design-thinking, iterative approach. During the first touchpoints, we understood that our users felt the website was difficult to navigate. Further, they wanted more hands-on content and to understand how to progress in their careers. We went through various iterations of the platform (and so many ideas were trashed) in the end, we focused on a platform that did one thing well: teach people about the data science field.

Old version of the SDS website, before its re-design

The process

The re-branding process took shape through a brand audit in which I examined every aspect of the brand, assessed our communications in comparison with competitors, and re-designed all the visual assets to align them with our value proposition and differential in the market.

Logo proposals that did not go through.

Part of the new platform - the content organized by career paths.

Pages of the brand audit document